What's in a name
I have been wanting to do a blog for sometime and never had the time or the exact knowing of what I wanted to say, how to do it or how to just simply start.
Then there came a moment when things fell apart and in that space things fell into place. Time I had, ideas were there and the how became clear. Now all I had to do was penn the name of my project.
I was raised by women who exemplified elegance, intelligence, humor and strength. They were the definition of Grace.
"Grace": Simple elegance or refinement of movement. The free and unmerited favor of God.
Names are important. They reflect all, seen and unseen. It's a lifetime commitment, you are referred to by it, known by it, addressed by it.
Grace is also a family name I chose for my daughter.
She is the joy and love of my life and as I look at her I see the women who were the backbone of my very existence, I see their strength, beauty and the very essence of one truly blessed.
I aspire to a life of simple elegance and refinement of movement, thought and beauty
for and with my Grace.
Welcome to my Blog: Dianne's Grace.
My Grandmother Stella and I
My Daughter Grace and I
I aspire to a life of simple elegance with refinement of movement, thought and beauty
for and with my Grace.